Peer reviewed articles


Silva-Novoa Sánchez, LM., Schilling, J., Bossenbroek, L., Ezzayyat, R., and Berger, E. 2024

Drivers of conflict over customary land in the Middle Drâa Valley of Morocco

World Development 188 (2025) 106872

Silva-Novoa Sánchez, LM. 2024

Water governance challenges in the Middle Drâa Valley of Morocco: Analysing policies, practices and conflict

PhD Dissertation

Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H., Berger, E., and Kadiri, Z. 2024

Femmes oasiennes au Maroc : actrices de la survie des oasis

Cahiers Agricultures 33 (2024) 33

Hanfouri, S., Znari, M., Naimi, M., and Ait Boumellassa, F. 2024

Flow Intermittence and Salinization Affect Life-History Traits in the Relict Sahara Desert Blue Tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) (Teleostei: Cichliformes: Cichlidae) in Morocco

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries Vol. 28(6): 323-351

Mahjoubi, I. 2024

Water Ecosystem Services under the Effect of Water Scarcity in the Drâa Basin in Morocco: Assessment of Local perceptions and Economic Valuation towards an Integration into Regional Decision-making processes

PhD Dissertation

Mahjoubi, I., and Frör, O. 2024

Ecosystem service change from lost surface water for farming in the Middle Drâa Valley, southern Morocco: An economic valuation through a replacement cost approach

Journal of Water and Climate Change Vol 00 No 0, 1

Hanfouri, S., Naimi, M., Ait Boumallassa, F., and Znari, M. 2024

Plasticity of life-history traits in the Draa barbel Luciobarbus lepineyi (Pellegrin, 1939) (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in the sub-Saharan Draa basin, Morocco: effect of change in flow regime and salinity

Journal of Limnology 2024;83:2196

Loulida, S., Znari, M., Naimi, M., and Aabid, A. 2024

Intra- and inter-drainage variation in population structure, body condition, shape morphology and sexual dimorphism in Mauremys leprosa saharica from southern Morocco

Acta Herpetologica 18(2):87-103

Lazrak, K., Nothof, M., Tazart, Z., Filker, S., Berger, E., Mouhri, K. and Loudiki, M. 2024

Salt stress responses of microalgae biofilm communities under controlled microcosm conditions

Algal Research 78 2024, 103430

Kaczmarek, N., Benlasri, M., Schäfer, R.B., Aabid, A., Nothof, M., Lazrak, K., Ghamizi, M. and Berger, E. 2024

Macroinvertebrate community responses to salinity around non-saline–saline confluences in the Draa River basin, Morocco

Hydrobiologia 2024


Kaczmarek, N. 2023

Macroinvertebrate community composition and ecosystem health in response to salinity and environmental change in the Draa River basin, Morocco

PhD Dissertation

Benlasri, M., Vuataz, L., Gattolliat, J., Beermann, A. J., Leßner, H., El Alami, M., Ghamizi, M. and Berger, E. 2023

First report of Cloeon vanharteni Gattolliat & Sartori, 2008 (Baetidae, Ephemeroptera) in the Maghreb

Alpine Entomology 7 2023, 143-152

Berger, E. and Mendoza-Lera, C. 2023

Interview with the Editors: Limnology and Oceanography Letters Special Issue on Salinization of Freshwater Ecosystems

Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin

Lynch, A. J., Cooke, S. J., Arthington, A. H., Baigun, C., Bossenbroek, L., Dickens, C., … and Jähnig, S. C. 2023

People need freshwater biodiversity

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1633.


Benlasri, M., Kaczmarek, N., El Alami, M., Ghamizi, M., and Berger, E. 2023

Inventory and pattern of distribution of mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in the Draa river basin, southern Morocco

Alpine Entomology 7 2023, 13–20

Kaczmarek, N., Mahjoubi, I., Benlasri, M., Nothof, M., Schäfer, R.B., Frör, O., and Berger, E. 2023

Water quality, biological quality, and human well-being: Water salinity and scarcity in the Draa River basin, Morocco

Ecological Indicators 148 (2023) 110050

Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H., Kadiri, Z., and Kuper, M. 2023

Watermelons in the Desert in Morocco: Struggles Around a Groundwater Commons-in-the-Making

Water Alternatives 16(1)


Silva-Novoa Sánchez, LM., Bossenbroek, L., Schilling, J., and Berger, E. 2022

Governance and Sustainability Challenges in the Water Policy of Morocco 1995-2020: Insights from the Middle Draa Valley

Water 14(18), 2932 |

Lazrak, K., Tazart, Z., Berger, E., Mouhri, K., and Loudiki, M. 2022

Spatial variation in benthic diatom communities in relation to salinity in the arid Draa river basin (southern morocco)

Applied ecology and environmental research 20(5):3709-3736.

Mahjoubi, I., Bossenbroek, L., Berger, E., and Frör, O. 2022

Analyzing Stakeholder Perceptions of Water Ecosystem Services to Enhance Resilience in the Middle Drâa Valley, Southern Morocco

Sustainability 14, 1–17. | doi: 10.3390/su14084765 


Kaczmarek, N., Schäfer, R.B., and Berger, E. 2021

Environmental change threatens freshwater insect communities in Northwest Africa: a meta-analysis

Front. Environ. Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.671715 

Ftouhi, H., Saidani, MA., Bossenbroek, L., Hamamouche, MF., and Kadiri, Z. 2021

Entre vulnérabilité et résilience : le vécu de la pandémie de Covid-19 dans deux sociétés oasiennes du Maghreb

Cah. Agric. 30: 30

Mostakim, L., El Qorchi, F., Zahra Guennoun, F., Moutaouakil, S., Berger, E., and Ghamizi, M. 2021

Morphometric Assessment of Two Watersheds of High Atlas of Morocco Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: What Is the Impact on Surface Water Availability?

Journal of Geographic Information System, 13, 631-642

Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H. and Kadiri, Z. 2021

Watermeloenen in de Marokkaanse woestijn

ZemZem 1/2021

Hermans, K., Berger, E., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Bossenbroek, L., Ebeler, L., Groth, J., Hack, J., Hanspach, J., Hintz, K.S., Kimengsi, J.N., Kwong, Y.M.C., Oakes, R., Pagogna, R., Plieninger, T., Sterly, H., van der Geest, K., van Vliet, J., and Wiederkehr, C. 2021

Crisis-induced disruptions in place-based
social-ecological research – an opportunity for

GAIA 30/2: 72 –76

Zwarteveen, M., Kuper, M., Olmos-Herrera, C., Dajani, M., Kemerink-Seyoum, J., Frances, C., Beckett, L., Lu, F., Kulkarni, S., Kulkarni, H., Aslekar, U., Börjeson, L., Verzijl, A., Dominguez Guzmán, C., Oré, M.T., Leonardelli, I., Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H., Chitata, T., Hartani, T., Saidani, A., Johnson, M., Peterson, A., Bhat, S., Bhopal, S., Kadiri, Z., Deshmukh, R., Joshi, D., Komakech, H., Joseph, K., Mlimbila, E., and De Bont, C. 2021.

Transformations to groundwater sustainability: from individuals and pumps to communities and aquifers

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49, 88–97

Leonardelli, I., Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H., Kadiri, Z., Bhat, S., Kulkarni, S., Hamamouche, M.F., Saidani, M.A., Zwarteveen, M., and Kemerink-Seyoum, J.S. 2021.

COVID-19 in Rural India, Algeria, and Morocco: A Feminist Analysis of Small-Scale Farmers’ and Agricultural Laborers’ Experiences and Inventive Practices.

Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3, 17

Berger, E., Bossenbroek, L., Beermann, A.J., Schäfer, R.B., Znari, M., Riethmüller, S., Sidhu, N., Kaczmarek, N., Benaissa, H.,  Ghamizi, M., Plicht, S., Ben Salem, S., El Qorchi, F., Naimi, M., Leese, F., and Frör, O. 2021.

Social-ecological interactions in the Draa River Basin, southern Morocco: Towards nature conservation and human well-being using the IPBES framework

Science of The Total Environment 769, 144492


Mostakim, L., Fetnassi, N., Rassam, H., Benaissa, H., Berger, E., and Ghamizi, M. 2020.

Assessment of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants in arid regions: Testing factors affecting riparian plant distribution in the Draa Basin, Morocco.

Eurasian Journal of Biosciences 14, 4735-4741

Schilling, J., Hertig, E., Tramblay, Y., and Scheffran, J. 2020.

Climate change vulnerability, water resources and social implications in North Africa.

Reg Environ Change 20, 15.


Loulida S., Znari M., Naimi M. and Bendami S. 2019

Tolerance to salinity and dehydration in the Sahara Desert blue-eyed turtle, Mauremys leprosa saharica (Testudines: Geoemydidae) from a brackish pond in the Lower Draa basin, southern Morocco

African Journal of Herpetology

Berger, E., Frör, O., and Schäfer, R.B. 2019.

Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes: a critical mini-review.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences 374, 20180010.

Conference contributions



„Nachwuchsgruppen in der Sozial-ökologischen Forschung“

09. & 10. März 2020, La Redoute, Kurfürstenallee 1, Bonn – Bad Godesberg



@ Cura Aquarum: 17th International Conference on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering

Berger, E., Mahjoubi, I., Silva-Novoa, LM., and Bossenbroek, L.
“Bewässerung von Marokkos Oasen im Wandel.”

October 18-21, 2023, Wolfenbüttel, Germany 

@ International conference: La politique de développement durable au Maghreb, un gouvernement néolibéral des ressources naturelles?

Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H., Kadiri, Z., and Kuper, M.
“De l’exploitation minière au partage de l’eau souterraine dans la vallée du Drâa (Maroc).”

October 5-6, 2023, Rabat, Morocco 

@ 38th DGL-Jahrestagung (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie)

Kaczmarek, N., Benlasri, M., Schäfer, R.B., and Berger, E.
“Macroinvertebrate communities in the Draa River basin, Northwest Africa: Trends, adaptations, and a shift of species”

September 18-22, 2023, Cologne, Germany 

@ Morocco: Climate Change, Food and Energy Program

Bossenbroek, L.
“Groundwater commons in the making” and
“Gendered impacts of groundwater extraction: insights from the Moroccan context”

September 18, 2023, Rabat, Morocco 

@ 10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks

Benlasri, M., Ghamizi, M., Berger, E., and El Alami, M.
“The macroinvertebrates of Mgoune valley and their role in the aquatic ecosystem”

September 7-11, 2023, Marrakesh, Morocco

@ XIX Biennial IASC Conference “The Commons We Want: Between Historical Legacies and Future Collective Actions”

Bossenbroek, L., Ftouhi, H., Kadiri, Z., and Kuper, M.
“Saharan early season agriculture: groundwater commons in-the-making”

June 19-24, 2023, Nairobi, Kenya (0nline participation) 

@ SEFS13: Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences

Berger, E.
“Inter- and transdisciplinary research to tackle freshwater salinization.”

June 19-23, 2023, Newcastle, UK

@ Cycle de Séminaires Femmes rurales: vécus, travail et aspirations

Bossenbroek, L., and Ftouhi, H.
“Femmes oasiennes et dynamiques environnementales”

April 18, 2023, Casablanca, Morocco


@ Colloque International PNMed 2022: Enjeux de conservation et perspectives de développement durable

Benlasri, M., El Alami, M., Berger, E., and Ghamizi, M.
“Les Emphémeroptères du versant sud du Haut Atlas.”

December 8-10, 2022, Marrakesh, Morocco  

@ 36th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL)

Berger, E., Bossenbroek, L., Moumane, A., Silva-Novoa, LM., and Mahjoubi, I.
“Combining remote sensing and ethnography to study social-ecological flows in the Draa River Basin, Morocco.”

August 7-10, 2022, Berlin, Germany  

@ IHE-Delft seminar

Ftouhi, H., Bossenbroek, L., and Zakaria, K.
“Groundwater governance between economic and ecological logic a case study from the Drâa Valley, Morocco.”

July, 2022, Delft, Netherlands  

@ 2nd meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) and the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL)

Kaczmarek, N., Mahjoubi, I., Benlasri, M., Nothof, M., Schäfer, RB., Frör, O., Bossenbroek, L., and Berger, E.
“Impacts of water salinity on water quality, ecosystem health and human well- being in the case of the Draa river basin, Morocco.”

July 3-8, 2022, Aveiro, Portugal  

@ 2nd meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) and the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL)

Berger, E., Bossenbroek, L, Moumane, A., Silva-Novoa, LM., and Mahjoubi, I.
“Combining remote sensing and ethnography to study social-ecological flows in the Draa River Basin, Morocco.”

July 3-8, 2022, Aveiro, Portugal  

@ 2nd meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) and the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL)

Silva-Novoa, LM., Bossenbroek, L., Berger, E., and Schilling, J.
“Governance and Sustainability challenges in the water policy of Morocco 1995-2020.”

July 3-8, 2022, Aveiro, Portugal  

@ 2nd meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL) and the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL)

Lazrak, K., Tazart, Z., Berger, E., Mouhri., K, and Loudiki M.
“Salinity effect on river biofilm communities: A Microcosm Study.”

July 3-8, 2022, Aveiro, Portugal  

@ European Meeting of PhD students in Evolutionary Biology

Guechchani., A.
“Morphological variability of Luciobarbus barbels along environmental gradients in Moroccan Desert Rivers.”

May 22-27, 2022, Espoo, Finland  

@ European Meeting of PhD students in Evolutionary Biology

Hanfouri, S., Znari, M., Naimi, M., Ait Bomallassa, F, Clavero, M., and Berger, E.
“Influence of environmental stressors on body condition, population parameters and developmental stability in the Draa Luciobarbus barbel (Telostei: Cyprinidaeà) from the arid Draa river basin, Morocco.”

May 22-27, 2022, Espoo, Finland  


@ 8th Edition Biodiversity, Biotechnologies, Durability and Innovation

Lazrak, K., Berger, E., Mouhri, K., and Loudiki, M.
“Distribution of benthic diatom communities in the arid Draa river basin.”

December 20-22, 2021, Agadir, Morocco  

@ SEFS12: Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences

Nothof, M., Filker, S., and Berger, E.
“eDNA metabarcoding in the dynamic desert river system Draa, Morocco.”

July 25-30, 2021, virtual conference  

@ SEFS12: Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences

Kaczmarek, N., Schäfer, RB., and Berger, E.
“Environmental change threatens freshwater insect communities in Northwest Africa: a meta-analysis.”

July 25-30, 2021, virtual conference  

@ ASLO 2021: Aquatic Science Meeting

Mahjoubi, I., Frör, Ö., Berger, E., and Bossenbroek, L.
“Enhancing the resilience of water ecosystem services: An analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions in the Middle Draa Valley, Southern Morocco.”

July 22-27, 2021, virtual conference  

@ WATMED9: International Virtual Conference, Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin

Lazrak, K., Berger, E., Mouhri, K., and Loudiki, M.
“Salinity impacts on water quality and benthic diatoms communities in the arid Draa river basin (South of Morocco).”

May 26-28, 2021, Marrakesh, Morocco  


@ SFS 2019: Society for Freshwater Science

Berger, E.
“A transdisciplinary research approach for the management of a dry, salinized river-basin in Morocco”

Special Session on Salinization in the context of Translational Ecology,

May 19-23, 2019, Salt Lake City, USA

Public relations and reports

Des femmes oasiennes face au défi de la pénurie d’eau

Lisa Bossenbroek

Les femmes dans les oasis de la vallée du Drâa, contraintes d’eau et actions collectives

Les oasis de la vallée du Drâa, dans le sud-est du Maroc, sont caractérisées par des flux d’eau irréguliers provoquant un stress hydrique. Ce manque peut être attribué à des réallocations d’eau dans différents secteurs (agriculture, tourisme, eau potable, et production de l’énergie…) combinées aux changements climatiques. Dans cette vidéo, nous illustrons, à travers le cas de femmes oasiennes à Tissergate, comment les activités agricoles, le rapport à l’eau, les identités et les moyens de subsistance des populations locales ont été profondément altérées, et comment certaines femmes s’ingénient pour s’adapter à ces changements.

Women in the oases of the Drâa Valley, water constraints and collective action

Irregular water flows and a lack of water characterize the oases of the Draa Valley in southeastern Morocco. This shortage can be attributed to water reallocations in different sectors (agriculture, tourism, drinking water, and energy production…) combined with climate change. In this video, we illustrate, through the case of oasis women in Tissergate, how agricultural activities, the relationship to water, identities, and livelihoods of local populations have been profoundly altered and how some women are managing to adapt to these changes

Femmes dans les oasis de la vallée du Drâa :  nouvelles aspirations et actrices de développement local

Dans les oasis de la vallée du Drâa l’agriculture familiale est une activité capitale. Les femmes y jouent un rôle central malgré leur invisibilité. Toutefois, comme l’illustre cette vidéo, l’histoire de Nawal, jeune du douar de Timiderte, certaines femmes cherchent à se réaliser à travers d’autres activités.  Elles deviennent ainsi des actrices de changement tout en faisant face à de nouvelles contraintes.

Women in the oases of the Drâa valley: new aspirations and actors of local development

In the oases of the Draa Valley, family farming is a key activity. Women play a central role in this. However, as the video of Nawal, a young woman from the village of Timiderte, illustrates, today, some women seek to fulfill their potential through other activities. Thus, they become agents of change while facing new constraints.

From mining to sharing groundwater resources:
The case of Mird in the Draa Valley, South of Morocco

By Lisa Bossenbroek, Hind Ftouhi and Zakaria Kadiri

Enquête. Le vécu de la pandémie et du confinement dans la vallée du Drâa

Lisa Bossenbroek et Hind Ftouhi


 Salt in the system

 Challenges for water resources in the DrâaRiver Basin


Bossenbroek, Lisa; Hind, Ftouhi; and Kadiri, Zakaria (2020). From mining to sharing groundwater resources: The case of Mird in the Draa Valley, South of Morocco
