27 Sep Stakeholder Meeting
As part of the multi- and transdisciplinary approach of the Salidraa juj project, which focuses on exchange and cooperation with experts, decision-makers and locals, the meeting with stakeholders in Ouarzazate had the objectives of presenting the results of our research and understanding of the system to the stakeholders and getting feedback and exchange on this. The main objective was to see whether or not we agreed on a common understanding of the problems of the Draa watershed. The second objective is to see if we can co-develop with the stakeholders a workshop in the spring of 2023 on the same topic but more oriented towards solutions and future thinking (short, medium- and long-term solutions).
On the possibility of organizing a workshop with government institutions to develop possible future scenarios for the Draa River Basin, Salidraa 2 members asked for feedback from stakeholders on the project’s idea of organizing a workshop with all institutions to come up with a common vision on possible future scenarios for water-related problems in the Draa basin and potential solutions.
The feedback received from the institutions during the meeting was that they are currently is trying to find a convincing scenario so that decision makers understand the real importance of the situation. The problem is that there are differences in the existing data. Each institution has its own proposed database, and these databases vary greatly. Even so, we see that the frequency of drought is really catastrophic. The risk is to move from droughts as crisis scenarios to drought as a structural problem. There are contradictions between the visions of government institutions